Hole in One Insurance
Starts at $164
RVNA is now the administrator for Allianz’s Hole in One Insurance program, which is offered to all Allianz agents and brokers.
Brokers: You can register as a broker by clicking on the register link above. Please continue to contact Allianz directly for service on policies issued on the previous platform.
Coverage Options
This product provides coverage to sponsors of golf tournaments offering a prize to the first golfer who gets a hole in one. This exclusive insurance product eliminates the risk of a sponsor having to pay a prize when a hole in one is made on a covered hole.
- Coverage A: Provides coverage for the golf tournament sponsor who offers a prize to the first golfer who makes a hole in one on a covered hole. Purchasing this coverage eliminates the risk of the sponsor paying for a prize.
- Coverage B: Additional coverage beyond Coverage A providing coverage for a charitable donation to be made on behalf of the winning golfer. Amount donated is equal to 10% of Coverage A.
- Coverage C: Provides an additional 5% in coverage to the next golfer whose tee shot is closest to the hole following the hole in one.
Already have a policy?
Manage your insurance easily with RVNA’s online policy management system.
Brokers: Please continue to contact Allianz directly at holeinone@ffic.com for service on policies issued on the previous platform.
What is a Hole In One?
A hole in one is a shot from the tee that finishes in the hole on the first stroke. A hole in one does not include a hole made with a mulligan or any type of extra stroke.